Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A heartfelt and personal thank you to all my followers

I've never done a proper welcoming post to thank those of you who've honored my by joining my blog. Thank you and a belated "Welcome aboard!" to all of you. I never thought this blog would have 24 such distinguished followers, much less 5,000+ page views in its first six months of existence. Since you've done me a solid, I'd like to return the favor. In the list below of my blog's followers, I've listed YOUR blogs, that is, if I can discover them from your blogger profile or through my weak web fu.
If I've missed your blog out, I apologize. Please comment below or drop me an email and I'll get you added in. Likewise if I've credited you with work not yours, please also let me know and I'll correct the listing.

From here on out, it'll be acknowledgement as people join. Again, thanks for your support in this venture and best wishes for 2013.


  1. Quite the fancy collection there my friend.

    Thanks for the shout out and make sure you followed my blog if you hadn't already (how would I know I am as useless at this as you are!)

    1. Ha! OK, I finally found the retractable toolbar on your blog so I can sign up as a follower. Done and done (although I had already been following your blog through Google Reader)!

  2. You missed my blog!! But I quite like that..... please don't feel you have to add it in. If people want to find it I'm sure they will. So don't sweat the small stuff!

    1. No, I want to add it in, Clint. I love "Anything but a One" and don't know how I missed it. Weak web fu, like I said. Glad to have you aboard.

    2. 28 Dice later is dormant at the moment. I just wanted to reserve the name until I could get the zombie campaign started.

      Glad that you like Anything but a One. But I also like the idea that it might be a little (tinnie tiny) bit of a hidden gem.

      All the best mate I hope the next 6 months treats you well. Both in real life and Blog life!

    3. Good idea to grab that name up, Clint. And I think that, even though you've been mentioned on my blog, you can still qualify as being "a hidden gem." ;)

  3. You've done quite well for just 6 months into the blog. I hope your next 6 months are just as good to you.
    My blog was missed, but its if you care to follow.

  4. Thanks for the shout out, and thanks for following my blog. I'm still surprised that people are apparently interested in my ramblings on the internet, and occasional pictures of painted figures.

  5. Thanks for following and its been a pleasure meeting you on here and on facebook :D

    1. Always a pleasure, Simon. I always look forward to your contributions on your blog, on FB and on the Lead Adventure Forum.

  6. OK, I had you on the reading list on my blog, but I wasn't listed as a follower. (This is one of those areas of Blogger that confounds me.) But that has been rectified!
