Monday, July 9, 2012

I won something!

I was one of the lucky recipients of a prize in in the Super 100,000 Giveaway at Tales of a Tabletop Skirmisher. Ian, aka Hendybadger, rustled up some great prize support and I won a set of Pulp City postcards.

Now I won't lie and say I wasn't hoping for one of the Pulp City sets of supers or the Ape-X from Reaper, but as the two Pulp City starter sets are already part of my lead mountain, I can't complain. Plus, I've rarely one anything in the past decade, so this was a delightful surprise. Here's a picture of what I won and my comment in Hendybadger's contest thread.

 Pulp City Postcards - set 1
Christopher Sheets
I should win this prize because there are monkeys involved. MONKEYS!!!! And Apes! I LOVE monkeys, and apes. All types of simians, from old-world, long-tailed critters to super-evolved examples sporting hats, cigars, chain-guns or cybergear. MONKEYS!!!

I love monkeys.

Yep, sure do. Monkeys and apes. Gibbons, chimps, orangutans, colobus, any and all. And Pulp City has some incredible examples.

Yep, I love me some monkeys.


I can't wait to receive them.


  1. congrats again :P ...just trying to get a name to post :P ..did you get them already ???

  2. on a side note...I hate captchas :P hehehe

    1. I know that feel bro, but it does a pretty good job of weeding out the spambots.
